Find out detailed information about the Aave (AAVE) and easily buy or sell at the real-time exchange rate.
Aave(AAVE) price - exchange rate 3/16/2025 10:38 PM is 152.33 EUR. In dollars the price is 165.88 USD.
How to buy Aave (AAVE)?
Follow 4 easy steps to purchase AAVE.
Create an account on Bitcoin Store
Make a deposit in Euros
Buy Aave
Aave is on your wallet
Frequently asked questions
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What is the Aave (AAVE) price - exchange rate today?
What is Aave (AAVE) and how does it work?
Aave is a system of smart contracts that enables assets to be managed by a distributed network of computers running its software.
This means Aave users do not need to trust a particular institution or person to manage their funds.
Users who want to lend or borrow must pay a certain collateral.
For example, if a person wants to borrow $100 worth of Ethereum, he/she must first make a deposit of more than $100 in another cryptocurrency.
Collateral is placed in the so-called. lending pool, something like a mutual fund.
When someone wants to take a loan, they get the amount from this mutual fund.
To make the whole process easier, Aave issues 2 tokens:
AAVE cryptocurrency and aToken.
AAVE is the native cryptocurrency within the Aave network.
Users who use the AAVE token as collateral may receive a discount on transaction fees, while users who borrow the AAVE will not be charged a fee.
aTokens are issued when assets are deposited into Aave’s liquidity pool in a ratio of 1:1.
They are marked according to the cryptocurrency stored.
They are burned when they are restored.
How many Aave (AAVE) coins are in circulation?
The maximum supply of AAVE coins is 16,000,000.
What are the benefits of Aave (AAVE)?
Users can borrow more than 20 cryptocurrencies.
Compared to other DeFi platforms, Aave has one of the largest cryptocurrency offers.
Also, a big advantage of the Aave platform is the security it provides to its users.
In addition to loans, Aave provides users with the opportunity to earn passive interest income from the amount they deposit in a mutual fund (pool).
Another great benefit of Aave is “rate switching”.
The user can choose between fixed and floating interest rates.
The most popular choice is fixed interest rates because they
provide protection in the event of large changes in prices in the cryptocurrency market.
How to mine Aave (AAVE)?
Holders can lock a certain number of AAVE tokens into a shared pool and receive a certain reward in the form of interest.
Who is the founder of Aave (AAVE)?
Aave's predecessor was ETHLend.
As a reason for founding the Aave platform, Kulechov cited a lack of applications for crypto loans on the Ethereum network.
How to buy Aave (AAVE)?
First, you need to create and verify your account on the Bitcoin Store cryptocurrency trading platform to get full access.
After successful verification, you can deposit (EUR) to your Bitcoin Store Wallet.
Supported payment methods for deposit are:
- internet or mobile banking
- card deposits (VISA, Mastercard)
- bank transfer
- payment slip
- cash payment in the Bitcoin Store physical exchange office
Once we receive your payment, funds to purchase cryptocurrencies will be available on your Bitcoin Store Wallet, and you can start purchasing cryptocurrencies.
How to sell Aave (AAVE)?
You can instantly sell cryptocurrencies that are stored on your Bitcoin Store Wallet.
Cryptocurrency stored on personal wallets such as Exodus, Trust Wallet, Ledger, Treasury, etc., or various trading platforms and must be transferred to your Bitcoin Store Wallet before selling.
Once the transfer is successful, you can sell your cryptocurrency.
You can withdraw the funds directly to your bank account or keep them on your Bitcoin Store Wallet and use them for future cryptocurrency purchases.
Can I buy or sell Aave (AAVE) for cash?
Verifying your identity via ID card is not required for all transactions up to 1000,00 EUR.
You can deposit cash directly to your Bitcoin Store account in the exchange office.
The deposit amount will be visible immediately and ready for your next cryptocurrency purchase.
Where can I store Aave (AAVE)?
When it comes to cryptocurrencies, digital wallets can be divided into 2 groups - Hot Wallets and Cold Wallets.
Hot wallets include:
- desktop wallet
- mobile wallet
- online wallet
Cold Wallets include:
- hardware wallet
- paper wallet
You can also store AAVE on your own Bitcoin Store Wallet.
The access and storage of cryptocurrency are free for all users who register on the Bitcoin Store Platform.
On Bitcoin Store Wallet you can:
- store more than 170 cryptocurrencies
- deposit, withdraw, and store funds in EUR
Bitcoin Store Wallet
Registered users have free access to the Bitcoin Store Wallet (digital wallet) on which you can safely store more than 170 cryptocurrencies. Simply make a deposit and withdraw funds or transfer crypto to other digital wallets.
Aave price, investment and fees
Real-time Aave price 3/16/2025 10:38 PM is €152.33.
How often does the Aave (AAVE) price change?
What is the fee for buying or selling Aave AAVE?
What payment methods do you support?
How to trade cryptocurrencies?
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